Monday 9 July 2007

Add-on's - how to

CA is fully expandable. This entry guides through the process of downloading and importing add-on's for CA.

Assuming you have downloaded CA from the link on the last blog entry, the following 9 steps can be taken to add 8 new ledger weights to CA.

1) With CA running, press
2) Select the Add-on's tab
3) Click the Download tab on the bottom menu
4) Make sure is highlighted in the box on the right, labeled "Download sites"
5) If you don't see any add-ons in the list click Refresh
6) Highlight weights1.jr3 and click the Download button ( you will hear a beep )
7) After a while click the Import tab on the bottom menu and you should see weights1.jr3
8) When it appears, highlight it and click Import
9) Restart CA and you should have a new set of 8 ledger weights available

There is also some more add-ons that can be downloaded and imported including a new venue the river lea

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