Sunday 22 July 2007


Record catches have taken a step forward with version 0.16 It's now possible to view specific information on a record catch, plus general catch details for different species of fish.

There is a lot to describe all of this, too much for this blog in fact. Most of it is pretty self-explanatory, so should be easy to follow without instruction.

By selecting a fish from your record catch list and clicking
More info you will get a screen like above appear. This shows you detailed information on the record catch selected.

The catches button will bring up specific information showing how different species have been caught. The information shown depends on whether you are looking at personal records or venue records. The screen that is seen on the left, shows the information available.

If you are looking at personal records, this will show details relating to catches of the selected species by the current angler on all venues.

If you are looking at venue records, this will show details relating to catches of the selected species on the venue.

There is masses of information available on catches, for example, if you wanted to find out what time of day you catch the most carp on a venue, this can easily be found out now. The choice as to whether or not you want to go into this much detail about catches is down to the individual, it may be you're just interested in seeing the record fish you have, in which case, there isn't a need to venture further past the screen listing the records.

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